You've heard of cheat sheets and study guides and a dozen other things.  QuickSheets are our branding of cheat sheets.  Download any of the sheets below.  These are completely free to download and use! All we ask is that if you find anything that needs correcting or would like to see an improvement, drop us a line!

Ansible QuickSheet

It's pretty likely that you've heard of Ansible or Puppet or Chef or Salt. These are among the great automation tools to come along since rsh and ssh! You can do everything from building servers to patching, installing software, to managing volumes. Its limit is really your imagination! In this particular QuickSheet, we outline the most popular commands in a playbook that we have used to date.

Docker QuickSheet

If you're a user of Linux then you're likely familiar with Docker. It's the built-in virtualization for Linux that has been around for a half-dozen years. Its come a long way since it was first released! If you're into DevOps, then you can always use a QuickSheet for all those commands that you don't have to remember. This particular one doesn't contain things like information on docker-compose. That will be coming in the near future.

Git QuickSheet

Whether you're a long-time user of GitHub or new at it, this QuickSheet will have all the most useful commands that you'll ever need to maintain both a local hub and one on GitHub.
* This will be available Summer 2021.

Linux Containers QuickSheet

If you're a fan of Linux Containers then this QuickSheet is something you'd want to have in your toolbox. This software is among the best for building lab environments for testing automation and software deployments. This QuickSheet has all the commands you'll need to get up and running in minutes.

Microsoft Teams QuickSheet

If you're in a company that has an integrated sharing/messaging/collaboration tool, its likely to be Microsoft Teams. This software has come a long way in recent years! It makes it pleasureful to use and collaborate with folks. Many aren't aware of the shortcuts you can use to get around in it. This QuickSheet contains the most popular.
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