about us

Who We Are

If you read the first home page, you'll know a little bit about us. We are a small group of information technology professionals who have decades of experience in anything from custom programming to managing enterprise-level Unix environments to running network cable. There probably isn't an aspect of technology that we haven't worked with! And through all that time, we continue to learn and improve our services with every customer.

Our Mission

Not every company has a mission statement, per se. And neither do we. But we do have an attitude to our customers: we want you to be 100% satisfied with our work without breaking the bank! Does that make us separate from any other consulting agency out there? Probably not the big guys. But then the bigger a company is, the more removed they are from their customer. With us, its the opposite. We get to know you, and you get to know us. Its not only our job to make sure you are happy, but it's also our mindset.
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